Paseo Poético en Covaleda
Paseo Poético con el poeta neozelandés Charles Olsen y los alumnos de la escuela Manuela Peña de Covaleda.
Proyecto que forma parte del III beca poético SxS Antonio Machado
Poetry Walk with the New Zealand poet Charles Olsen and students of the Manuela Peña School in Colvaleda. The students collected words during a 2-hour walk along the River Duero and wrote poems inspired by the walk. Here they read out their poems accompanied by photos of the walk.
Paseo Poético con el poeta neozelandés Charles Olsen y los alumnos de la escuela Manuela Peña de Covaleda.
Proyecto que forma parte del III beca poético SxS Antonio Machado
Poetry Walk with the New Zealand poet Charles Olsen and students of the Manuela Peña School in Colvaleda. The students collected words during a 2-hour walk along the River Duero and wrote poems inspired by the walk. Here they read out their poems accompanied by photos of the walk.
Poemas escritos y leídos por los alumnos de la escuela Manuela Peña de Covaleda.
Fotografías: Sonia y Charles. 2018